Saturday, June 30, 2007

"The Blessing of Discipline"

"Most of the time we cannot see the purpose of a particular adversity we are going through. In fact, that is part of the pain. It all seems so random and senseless. But we should be content with the knowledge that God knows what he is about and that He has a wise and loving purpose for every adverse circumstance that comes into our lives. ...

We may conclude that all adversity that we experience is a part of God's fatherly discipline--all, without exception. There is no such thing as chance or meaningless events in our lives. ...

We know that adversity comes to us in many forms and from many sources. Much of it comes from what we may call impersonal circumstances--serious illness, disastrous weather, or even the careless but unintentional actions of other people. Most painful of all, though, are the adversities that are the result of deliberate, and often sinful, actions of others. It may be slander that destroys our reputation, it may be that we fail to receive a well-earned promotion, or it may be a betryal of a friend we trusted. ...

But regardless of the severity and source of the adversities, all of them--whether trivial or traumatic--are part of God's discipline of us for our good." -Jerry Bridges

"Well, it's true what they say,
If you want to feel complete,
You got to take the Bitter with the Sweet". -Carol King

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