Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Depart from Me, you CURSED, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." Matt. 25:41

These are some sobering words to read, if not the most sobering in all the universe. And to read them now, as sobering as that is, is nothing compared to when the Lord Jesus Christ speaks these holy words of judgement on that Day to millions upon millions of people who are under God's curse.

"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into eternal life." ver. 46

But God, who is rich in mercy has made a way for us to escape the curse. He has made Christ to be a Curse for us. By Christ becoming a curse, and being crucified to a Cross, where He was the Lamb of God, He took the whole of God's wrath for us. He became sin for us. What a Savior!

Why would He do this? He did it for the Father, whom He values more than all else. And the Father values His Son greater than all else, and yet He gave Him up to be tortured and killed on our behalf.


Why do this for rebels, and ungodly, unthankful blasphemers? I'm not completely sure. However, what I'm quite certain of is that He did this for the glory of His name and grace, and there's no doubt here that the Son glorified the Father in His obedience, which was perfect in all righteousness. He did it for us, His elect, as well, but why He chose to love such ungodly rebels, I'll never know. But I'm forever grateful he did. I don't deserve this greatest of all gifts to mankind, no one does, but He freely offers it. And that's what makes Life truly precious.

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