Sunday, June 17, 2007

"Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine, Oh what a Foretaste of Glory Divine".

"A man, then, may have a deep sense of sin all his days, walk under the sense of it continually, abhor himself for his ingratitude, unbelief, and rebellion against God, without any impeachment of his assurance." - John Owen (From "Assured by God", chapter 7)

"In other words, a spirit of perpetual repentance ought to permeate and characterize the life of every true believer. The repentance that takes place at conversion begins a progressive, lifelong process of confession and forgiveness. That spirit of continual repentance in no way undermines the assurance of a true child of God. On the contrary, it is the very thing that feeds our assurance and keeps it alive." -John MacArthur, Assured by God

We don't like to hear, "Repent sinner!". But it's important for us to hear it. And we need to be repenting every day. Some days more than others, but still the same, it will be required of us on a daily basis. We may grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord each day as well, and the growing should be perpetual, and the repenting will be likewise. However the repenting, may become less and less as we grow in the amazing grace of God, and as we learn of who are Savior is, and what He has done for us.

Yes repentance is a good thing. Lord bless us with repentance. For You are our repentance, as much as You are our everything else as well. Amen.

Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the earth is filled with glory!


Even So... said...

When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said "Repent", He called for the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.

Martin Luther, 1st of 95 theses

donsands said...

Thanks for that JD. That says a whole lot in a powerful way.

Scribe said...

Repentence: in many a evangelical circles, a most abhorred word...but to us that have no confidence in the flesh, it is the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to reconcile our relationship with God.