Saturday, April 05, 2008

"The flesh wars against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other." The book of Galatians 5:17

"I know in what hours of darkness I sometimes wrestle. I know how often I suddenly lose the beams of the Gospel, and grace, as being shadowed from me with thick and dark clouds. I know in what a slippery place even such as I who am well taught do stand, although I should have a sure footing in matters of faith.
So we teach continually, that the knowledge of Christ and of faith is no work of man, but simply the gift of God, who as He creates faith, so He keeps us in it. Even as He first gives faith unto us through the Word, so afterwards He exercises, increases, strengthens, and makes perfect the same in us by the Word.

Therefore the greatest service that a man can do for God is to exercise himself in true godliness, diligently to hear and to read the Word. Contrariwise, there is nothing more dangerous than to be weary of the Word." -Martin Luther

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

Number one discipline for the Christian is the Word of our Lord. We need to hear Him. Number 1.1 discipline is prayer, and this praying is done in response to the Word, and in faith. Then one can be a doer of the Word, which is also essential for the Christian. Amen and amen.

I thank the Lord for His Word. His Word is truth. And in a world with seas and oceans of lies and half truths, to have an anchor of truth to keep us from being swept away is a treasure indeed; which also brings much joy to a heart that is after Christ's heart; the heart which loves Jesus.

"Love ... Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth." 1 Cor. 13:4,6


Strong Tower said...

As I wrote at Pyro, this anchor, which the redeemed know as faith, is often disconnected from the life that we live. The unbeliever sees no purpose for the anchor in this life and so jettisons it, chain and all. They think, what good is it, it does not stay the storms, nor stop the waves from washing precious things overboard?

But, we as believer often do the same. We turn to the stern and say, Lord, do you not care that we perish? And, so we have effectively thrown overboard the anchor subjecting ourselves now, not just to the waves and winds, but to drift aimless according as they will.

You have rightly said, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. There below the surface of the waters in places we can not plum, it has secured for us stayability with the promise that when the tribulation of this life's storm passes, he will guide us safely to shore.

Let us therefore, listen and pay greater attention to this promise of the anchor which God has sealed to us with his Son, who having entered in once and for all, remains forever the intecessor of our salvation having authored and perfected it forever. Knowing then the great love by which he has loved us, will we not by this faith work what is good and pleasing to God?

God bless,


donsands said...

Yes and amen.

Have a grand Lord's Day.

Even So... said...

...the anchor holds...

donsands said...

So be it. Amen. And verily.