Wednesday, April 23, 2008

God has a way of getting our attention.

I have been reading the book of Ezekiel. This is a difficult book to go through. God gave some of His most incredible visions to this prophet, priest, and servant of the Lord. Ezekiel is a book of God's judgment declared on Judah, and other Gentile nations as well. It's also about Israel's restoration. And it's an encouragement to us that in the end, God's love for His true people, those who fear and love Him, will bring God to dwell with them, and us with Him.

There's this one saying our Lord repeats time and time again in the book of Ezekiel, and in fact I believe He says 61 times, and it is: "And they shall know that I am the LORD."

I truly believe our sovereign Lord will, and does, force Himself upon us, though throughout the Church you will hear people say: "God is a gentleman, and He doesn't force Himself on any one". This is a false teaching, and we need to disregard it. I know Martin Luther would, and did.

When Martin Luther was a young man he was almost struck by lightning. It came so close to hitting him that it knocked him down. He was so frightened that he cried,
"St. Anne Help me! I will become a monk." And he did just that. And he was on his way to find Christ. The Lord was getting Martin's attention with that ligthning bolt, and soon Luther would be one of God's great men whom He used to proclaim the truth of His Gospel against an apostate Church.

So if you are going through some strange trials, and crazy circumstances surround you, then you can be sure it is God getting your attention, if you are one of His elect children. He does this because He loves us dearly, and we are His beloved sons and daughters. Even while we are the children of wrath, as all people are, God is drawing us to His grace and to the Cross of Christ. And nothing will be able to stop the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, from seeking and saving His lost sheep. he will bring them all to Himself, and into His pasture of rest and joy.

So keep looking up. You never know when that lightning bolt may hit, but He does.


Steve said...

People talk about finding God, or finding Jesus, making their decision for Jesus.

We know what they mean, but of course they have it exactly backwards as you have pointed out in your post.

God finds us. He is the One who does the choosing. He brings us unto Himself through whatever means He deems fit. Lightning bolts, whale swallowing us, miracle cures, a great sermon, a quiet word from a friend.

God's will be done.

You hit the nail on the head!

donsands said...

Thanks Steve.