Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Having fun is good for the soul!

Here are the grandsons having a good time at their cousin's B-Day party. With my beautiful wife, Patti in red, in the background, with her sister Denise on her left.
Small joys can perk up one's faith. At least it does for me. It makes my heart grateful to the Lord.


Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

It is no small joy to be blessed with a loving and faithful spouse (can you tell I just finished reading Prov 31?)

The boys are really cute too - the blue-eyed one especially looks like he could get into quite a bit of mischief!

donsands said...


And yes, Noah is non-stop. Matt and Josh can be wild at times too.
But all three are really, over all, very good boys, and for the most part well behaved.
I love to be with them.

Thanks for the visit.

BTW, you have en exceptional blog as a Christian who reaches out to all.
We certainly could use a lot more Christians like you Susan.
Keep on my sister.