Saturday, May 17, 2008

First time fishing for Striped Bass, better known in these parts as Rockfish.

That was some big fish: 24 inches, and 8 pounds. Though this was actually small when compared to the bigger Rockfish, or Striped Bass, which can be over 50 inches. No big ones today however.
It was a joyful time being with some brothers in Christ from my church. And then to bring home the spoils and have my wife cook this fresh Rockfish up for dinner. Mmmm Mmmm. Good eatin'.

It was such a blessing to be floating around on such a huge body of water as the Chesapeake Bay. It's always such a pleasure to see all the wonderful sights you can see when out on the Bay. The water itself, the wildlife, and even the Bay Bridge, are quite spectacular to behold.

"The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters." Psalm 24:1-2


Anonymous said...

Whoo-ee! We've got striped bass here in Nebraska, but I've never seen one anywhere near that size. Looks and sounds like a great time.

donsands said...

Yes it was. Thanks for stopping by Doulos.

Litl-Luther said...

Hey Don,
You're making me homesick. I miss the bay. My whole family are into boating. Several of my uncles have boats as did my parents and grand parents when I was growing up. I had a lot of fun on that water. Looks like you guys had a good time too. Anyone I know that you were with?

donsands said...

I went with Steve Leslie, and David his son. Steve is Greg Dutcher's father-in-law. He's a fine Christian.

I remember going crabbing with you and your mom and dad a long time ago. That was a lot of fun, and good eating afterwards.

Blessing to you Triston.

mommanator said...

Looks like good Eats! what a wonderful day you must have had on the Chesapeake!

Craver Vii said...

Nice!! Hey Bro, I went fishing again (2nd time) on Monday night. Didn't catch anything, but it was a good time nonetheless.
