Saturday, May 10, 2008

"I am their inheritance: .. and you shall give them no possession in Israel; I am their possession." Ezk. 44:28

I have been reading through Ezekiel's incredible book, full of visions from the Lord, which are beyond my understanding really. Hopefully one day my pastor will take us through this book, and we will be able to study it with a little more depth.

This one verse hit me today as I read how the Levites are to conduct themselves in God's sanctuary. God says how He is to be approached, and it needs to be adhered to, doesn't it. The sin offering must be taken in and offered by a priest, who is clean, and set apart for this holy duty. And this same Levite is told by the Lord, through Ezekiel, that God Himself is his inheritance, and possession.

Jesus our High Priest, and our Savior, who became THE once and for all sin offering for His people as the Holy Lamb of God, has become our inheritance and possession, and that's for all who come to Christ in trusting themselves to His grace, and repenting of their sin, and despising their sinful conduct, against a holy and gracious Lord of creation.

John Piper says: "The gospel is the good news of our final and full enjoyment of the glory of God in the face of Christ. That this enjoyment had to be purchased for sinners at the cost of Christ's life makes his glory shine all the more brightly. And that this enjoyment is a free and unmerited gift makes it shine more brightly still. But the price Jesus paid for the gift and the unmerited freedom of the gift are not the gift. THE GIFT IS CHRIST HIMSELF as the glorious image of God--seen and savored with everlasting joy."


mommanator said...

Christ is also are intercessor with God the Father-many forget that.
Maybe thru this scripture is where Catholics find the pope their intercessor? I do not though!
Have a blessed weekend!

donsands said...

Yes He is praying for us. Amen. He is our Mediator.

Thanks for dropping by.