Friday, May 02, 2008

"I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound". -St. Paul of Tarsus

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord". Job said these incredible words. Incredible, because he had just lost everything, even his children.
These same words have been hid in my heart as of late as well. Though I don't know the pain and suffering Job had, I am on the short end at this particular time.

Though the Lord has blessed me, and my two business partners over the past ten years, and he has "given" us much, I now must deal with His "taking" away. I wonder if it's more difficult to be content when we have a lot, or when we have little.
Perhaps it's the same amount of struggle to be content whether we have abundance, or have great need. It probably was this way for Paul. But I'm not Paul. He was a great servant of the Lord, and understood contentment like no one else.
Yet, I believe I can learn to be content as well. Maybe not as content as Paul, but content just the same.

I think the key is to "want to be content for God's glory, and not just for contentment's sake; not just for peace of mind.

I think this is what Paul learned, when he learned how to be content in want, and plenty. And whether he was "full" or "hungry".

I took these photos the other day when I and my partner John were installing new aluminum gutters and spouts on six new homes, which is what we do. Business in the past has been very good, and we were quite blessed financially. But this past year has been bad. The river has dried up. And we are barely holding on. The future is uncertain for us. But God is faithful to his children, to care for them. So we will continue to trust Him, and hopefully grow in His grace. And learn to be content in our want, as we did in our time of plenty.
To God be all the glory. Amen.

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