Wednesday, May 14, 2008

" .. We Have Peace with God."

This is a continuance of the last post I posted, of a discourse from Spurgeon called, "The End of the Law".

"Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ we have obtained the righteousness which those who follow the works of the law know nothing of. We are not completely sanctified, would God we were; we are not quit of sin in our members, though we hate it; but still for all that, in the sight of God we are truly righteous, and being justified by faith we have peace with God. Come, look up, ye believers who are burdened with a sense of sin. While you chasten yourselves and mourn your sins, do not doubt your Savior, nor question His righteousness. You are black, but do not stop there, go on to say as the spouse did, 'I am black, but comely.'

'Though in ourselves deform'd we are,
And black as Kedar's tents appear,
Yet, when we put thy beauties on,
Fair as the court of Solomon.' - Pastor CH Spurgeon

God is greater than our heart, when our hearts condemn us! And as genuine believers in Christ, those who are truly born of the Spirit, we will from time to time condemn ourselves, but we mustn't, for God's greater than our hearts.
What a great Savior we do have. He saves us, fogives us, lives for us, and will never forsake us. And He loves us in spite of who we are.

May we learn to love others in this manner as well. Never condoning sin of course, but never condemning either.


mommanator said...

yes! and may we have peace!

donsands said...

Shalom mommanator!

Litl-Luther said...

Great quote from Spurgeon brother!