Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Be of Good Cheer, I have Overcome the World" (John 16:33)

"When these words were spoken our Saviour was about to leave His disciples to go to His death for their sakes. His great anxiety was that they might not be too much cast down by the trials which would come upon them. He desired to prepare their minds for the heavy sorrows which awaited them, while the powers of darkness and the men of the world wrought their will upon Him. Now observe, that our Lord Jesus, in whom dwells infinite wisdom, knew all the secret spings of comfort, and all the hallowed sources of consolation in heaven and under heaven, and yet in order to console His disciples He spoke, not of heavenly mysteries nor of secrets hidden in the breast of God, but He spake conserning Himself. Doth He not herein teach us that there is no balm for the heart like Himself, no consolation of Israel comparable to His person and His work. ...'Be of good cheer,' He saith, 'I'--something about Himself--'I have overcome the world.' So then, beloved, in all times of depression of spirit hasten away to the Lord Jesus Christ; whenever the cares of this life burden you, and your way seems hard for your weary feet, fly to your Lord. There may be, and there are, other sources of consolation, but they will not at all times serve your turn: but in Him there dwelleth such a fulness of comfort, that whether it be in summer or in winter the streams of comfort are always flowing. In your high state or in your low estate, and from whatever quarter your trouble may arise, you can resort at once to Him and you shall find that He strengthens the hands that hang down and confirms the feeble knees." --CH Spurgeon

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