Monday, June 09, 2008

"Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep." Jesus, speaking to His disciples. John 11:11

[Lazarus' Tomb]

Jesus knew He was going to His friend's home to perform one of His most magnificient miracles. And what an incredible passage of Scripture to read, study, and meditate upon. I encourage you to take time to do so. And may the Holy Spirit encourage your heart. And then share your new heart's joy with others: Believers and unbelievers.

"Each tree in a forest has its own peculiarities of shape and growth, and yet all at a distance look one mass of leaf and verdure. Each member of Christ's body has his own distinctive bias, and yet all in the main are led by one Spirit, and love the Lord. The two sisters Martha and Mary, the apostles Peter and John and Thomas, were certainly very unlike one another in many respects. But they had all one point in common: they loved Christ, and were His friends.

Let us take heed that we really belong to Christ. This is the one thing needful. If this is made sure, we shall be led by the right way, and end well at last. We may not have the cheerfulness of one brother, or the firey zeal of another, or the gentleness of another. But if grace reigns within us, and we know what repentance and faith are by experience, we shall stand on the right hand in the great day. Happy is the man of whom, with all his defects, Christ says to saints and angels, "This is our friend." --Bishop John Charles Ryle, with some of his thoughts on this passage.


mommanator said...

yes, contemplating scripture is magnificant- I woke the other day and just had to read Romans 6-11- read it, it meant so much to me at that time!just what I needed

donsands said...

Amen. The Word is food for the soul.