Thursday, July 03, 2008

Another relaxing vacation in St. Michaels. Thank You Lord!

We had such a fine time, Patti and I, as we went to our favorite place: The Inn @ Perry Cabin, in St. Michaels, on the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. They have an outstanding pool, and spa. I did go and ask how much to have your finger nails done. Not that I'd do that. I was just curious. $39. That's $3.90 per finger nail! And they were booked up for two days. Crazy.

The workout room was great, and we had an excellent boat ride. Actually we wanted to go on the boat, but decided it was a bit too much for us this year, because it's $60 per person. However, the captain, bumped into us out on the peer, and almost made us get on his boat with his invitation to come with him. It was a real blessing. It's quite a nice time, and it was a beautiful day.

Mainly, we just relaxed, and enjoyed being there. The Lord always seems to bless us extra special when we go to St. Michaels, and this time was the same.
All I can do is "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!"


John said...

Looks beautiful and sounds fun.

donsands said...

And it's good for the marriage as well.
Thanks for the visit John.

Unknown said...


Hey- Lisa, Sam and I are looking at this- glad you had a great time bro. You and Patti deserve it- no, not theologically of course-but you know what we mean. Look forward to seeing you guys in church!

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit, Greg, Lisa, and Sam!
The Dutchers rock!

mommanator said...

how lovely a place! just reminds ya God is sitting at your side!