Friday, July 11, 2008

"For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world.." 1 John 5:4

"Let us go forth to combat the world, for it cannot overcome us. There was never a man yet with the life of God in his soul whom the whole world could subdue; nay, all the world and hell together cannot conquer the veriest babe in the family of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lo, ye are harnessed with salvation, ye are panoplied with omnipotence, your heads are covered with aegis of the atonement, and Christ Himself, the Son of God, is your captain. Take up your battle cry with courage, and fear not, for more is He that is for you than all they that be against you. It is said of the glorified saints, 'They overcame through the blood of the Lamb;' 'and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our FAITH, 'wherefore be ye steadfast, even to the end, for ye shall be more than conquerors through Him that hath loved you. Amen." -Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Faith is the foundation of genuine Christianity. Faith, not works.
It's faith, or trusting, in Christ, and Christ alone. For we can do nothing spiritually productive aside from Christ and His power and love. And we can not know, nor experience His power, or love, without the faith of Jesus (Rom. 3:22).And this faith is first and foremost, trusting in His salvation for us: His death, His blood, and His broken body on the Cross, for us, and our sins.
It's also faith in His rising from the tomb; His being alive even now.
And faith in God's promise, that nothing can seperate us from the love of Christ! Also, "who can bring a charge against God's elect?" We are bought with the precious death of our Savior Jesus Christ, the Beloved of God the Father.


Litl-Luther said...

Spurgeon is like a gifted Surgeon with words.

donsands said...

He sure is. He's the prince.