Sunday, July 27, 2008

"My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your Word." Psalm 119:28

"Nothing can be more fattening to the soul of the believer than feeding upon the Word and digesting it by frequent meditations. No wonder that some grow so little when they meditate so little. We must take the truth and roll it over and over again in the inward parts of our spirit, and so we shall extract divine nourishment therefrom. ... Where can we feed and lie down in green pastures in so sweet a sense as we do in our musings on the Word? Meditation distills the quintessence from the Scriptures and gladdens the mouth with sweetness that exceeds the virgin honey dropping from the honeycomb. Your retired seasons and occasions of prayer should be to you regal entertainments, or at least refreshing seasons". -Charles Haddon Spurgeon

I pray our Lord would help me spend more time in His Word, where the refreshing strength for the soul is found. And so, I can serve the lord in greater ways, and bring fruit forth for the glory of God, and shine a bit brighter for Christ, and the Gospel.

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