Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Wherefore then serves the Law? It was added because of transgressions," Gal. 3:19

[Wittenberg Market Square]

From Martin Luther: "When we teach that a man is justified without the Law and works, the question necessarily follows: why then was the Law given? Also, why does God charge us and burden us with the Law, if it does not justify? .... This is .... a hard question that reason cannot answer. When it hears this sentence of Paul (which is so strange to the world) that "the Law was added because of transgressions," it thinks: Paul abolishes the Law, for he says we are not justified through it. He must be a blasphemer against God who gave the Law, when he says the law was given because of transgressions.Let us live as the Gentiles who have no law; let us sin and live in sin "that grace may abound." This happened to the Apostle Paul, and it happens to us today. When common people hear that righteousness comes by the sole grace of God through faith only, without the Law, and without works, they think: If the Law does not justify, then let us work nothing; and this do they truly perform.

This impiety vexes us very much, but we cannot remedy it. For when Christ preached, He too heard that he was a blasphemer and a seditious person, ... So what marvel is it if the world similarly accuse us this day? Let it accuse us, let it slander us, let it persecute us and spare not; yet we must not hold our peace, but speak freely, that afflicted consciences may be delivered out of the snares of the devil. ...

Therefore, Paul fights here against those hypocrites who could not abide this verse: "The Law was added because of transgressions," for they think the office of the Law is to justify. And this is the general opinion throughout the whole world that righteousness is gotten through the works of the Law. To conclude, they that trust in their own righteousness think to pacify the wrath of God by their worship and voluntary religion. Therefore, this opinion of the righteousness of the Law is the sink of all evils, and the sin of sins of the whole world."

I believe most people, in our culture, think they are going to heaven because they are basically good, and keep the basic commands of God; the Ten Commandments; the Golden Rule. People don't think they deserve judgment, wrath, and especially seperation from God in hell forever. They think God is a nice guy, and humans may not be lovable, but they're not that bad, at least not bad enough for God's wrath to be poured out on them.
They would say God simply would say to a human who sins, "I wish you would be a better person, but I know you didn't mean it, and it's not that bad anyhow, I forgive you. Try not to do it again."
This is the false god of our day, I think, for the most part.

We need to trust, and know, the true Triune God of Scripture.
And in order to grow in our knowledge of God, and His Christ, we need to understand the Law. So more on the Law next time.


Paul G said...

Good post Don!
The Law first was given in Genesis 2:17 ("Thou shalt not eat of it".)

That was so that all would die by the transgression of the law.
Because all have died from the beginning in order that the Lord Jesus could prove Himself to be a mighty savior and justifier of all who would by faith believe in Him would be saved.

What a wonderful plan and work by the Lord Jesus!

donsands said...

Adam and Eve couldn't keep that one rule a loving Creator set before them.

And it must have grieved the Lord when Adam disobeyed Him. Though the Lord God knew Adam would fall.

Only an infinite God, and mind, can see how this is a perfect thing happening, in order to glorify God, and allow us to be with Him for all eternity.
Even when we are with Him, will we understand such wisdom and love of Jesus Christ and His Father?