Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"If any man be in Christ ... old things are passed away"

"What about the old things? ...I cannot liken it to anything that I know better than the snow which melts in the sun. You wake up one morning, and all the trees are festooned with snowy wreaths, while down below upon the ground the snow lies in a white sheet over everything. Lo, the sun has risen, its beams shed a genial warmth; and in a few hours where is the snow? It has passed away. Had you hired a thousand carts and horses and machines to sweep it away it could not have been more effectually removed. It has passed away. That is what the Lord does in the new creation: His love shines on the soul, His grace renews us, and the old things pass away as a matter of course. ...

Our Lord Jesus Christ causes all this. Where His blessed face beams with grace and truth, as the sun with warmth and light, He dissolves the bands of sin's long frost, and brings on the spring of grace with newness of buds and flowers." CH Spurgeon

[Longwood Gardens, PA]


Jonathan Moorhead said...

Boy, it's hard to beat Spurgeon. Such picturesque language really gets one to consider his point. It is a challenge to think of all creation like he and men like Edwards did - everything is a shadow of a spiritual reality. Awesome.

donsands said...

Thanks for stoppin' by Jonathan.

Good thought as well.

Ike said...

This is a great post! Have you ever listened to any of Paul Washer's sermons? If you ever have the time listen to this one.

donsands said...

Yes. I like Paul Washer. The Church could use more preachers like him.