Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Hypocrites, ...serpents, generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of Hell?" Matt. 23:29,33

"We are told that the Jews who brought Christ before Pilate would not go into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might eat the passover." That was scrupulosity indeed! These hardened men were actually engaged in doing the wickedest act that mortal man ever did. They wanted to kill their own Messiah. And yet at this very time they talked of being "defiled," and were very particular about the passover!

The conscience of unconverted men is a very curious part of their moral nature. While in some cases it becomes hardened, seared, and dead, until it feels nothing; in others it becomes morbidly scrupulous about the lesser matters of religion. It is no uncommon thing to find people excessively particular about observance of trifling forms and outward ceremonies, while they are the slaves of degrading sins and detestable immoralities. ... Fastings and self-imposed austerities in Lent, are often followed by escess of worldliness when Lent is over. There is but a step from Lent to Carnival. .....

Let us pray that our consciences may always be enlightened by the Holy Ghost, and that we may be kept from one-sided and deformed Christianity. A religion that makes a man neglect the weightier matters of daily holiness and seperation from the world, and concentrate his whole attention on forms, sacraments, ceremonies, and public services, is to say the least, very suspicious. It may be accompanied by immense zeal and show of earnestness, but it is not sound in the sight of God. the Pharisees paid tithe of mint, anise, and cummin, and compassed sea and land to make proselytes, while they neglected "judgment, mercy, and faith." (Matt. 23:23.) The very Jews who thirsted for Christ's blood were the Jews who feared the defilement of a Roman judgment hall, and made much ado about keeping the Passover! Let their conduct be a beacon to Christians, as long as the world stands." -Bishop John Charles Ryle

Saul, who later became Paul, was also a Pharisee who hated Christ. He actually persecuted Jesus, through persecuting the Church. Yet Christ came to Saul, and rescued him from himself, and changed his heart of zeal for religion agendas, to a heart of love for Christ, and for the Cross, which is the Gospel.
May we all stay tender before the Lord. Amen.


Strong Tower said...

rescued him from himself...

Ah yes, no greater enemy do we have than the last idol in the temple. The seared conscience of the unregenerate is amazing. Of course if they had known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. What mystery is that in which God uses the very sin of man, their "free-will" choices to bring about his glorification. Go ask Joseph he'll tell you what man purposed for evil, God prepurpose for good. Paul certainly praised God that such was so.

I just popped over from Pyro. Nice post here too, and how appropriate.

God bless,


donsands said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your words are always appreciated throughout blog-land.

Craver Vii said...

Saul's conversion: from religious zealot to Jesus freak.

Craver Vii said...

May I ask for prayer? I shared the gospel with someone who is immersed in the occult, and if there is to be a spiritual battle, I would prefer to fight under the cover of prayer. Also, rather than being the one who is fearful and tormented, I want to be the one who is on the attack, storming the gates of hell, and making the name of Christ famous in the most unsavory places. At the same time, I would appreciate a hedge of protection around my family.

donsands said...

Craver, I shall be praying for you.