Thursday, August 07, 2008

Righteousness, or being right before God.

[Statue of Martin Luther outside the St. Mary's Church, Berlin.]

"First of all, we speak of the argument of this epistle [Galatians]: in it Paul is seeking to establish the doctrine of faith, grace, forgiveness of sins, or Christian righteousness in order that we may know the difference between Christian righteousness and all other kinds of righteousness. There are many sorts of righteousness.
...the most excellent righteousness of faith, which God through Christ, without any works, imputes to us, is neither political, nor ceremonial, nor the righteousness of God's law, nor consists of works, but is contrary to these; that is to say, it is a mere passive righteousness, as the others are active. For in the righteousness of faith, we work nothing, we render nothing unto God, but we only receive, and suffer another to work in us, that is to say, God. This is a righteousness hidden in a mystery, which the world does not know. Indeed, Christians themselves do not thoroughly understand it, and can hardly take hold of it in their temptations. Therefore it must be diligently taught, and continually practiced. ....

When I see a man oppressed with the law, terrified with sin, and thirsting for comfort, it is time that I remove out of his sight the law and active righteousness, and set before him, by the gospel, the Christian of passive righteousness, which offers the promise made in Christ, who came for the afflicted and sinners.

We teach the difference between these two kinds of righteousness, active and passive, to the end that manners and faith, works and grace, policy and religion, should not be confounded, or taken the one for the other. Both are necessary; but each must be kept within its bounds". -Martin Luther

[Martin Luther's 1534 Bible]

The book of Galatians, many years ago, was the truth of God's Word, which was enlightened to my mind and heart by the Holy Spirit, In order to set me free from the bondage of legalism. More on that in another post some day.
If you have never sat and read through, and then studied the Apostle's letter to the church at Galatia, then you need to. I encourage you to do so. And be blessed in God's truth.

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