Friday, September 05, 2008

"I'll really miss Uncle Ernie."

My wife, Patti's great uncle was laid to rest today. He was 90 years old. He was a very kind and considerate man. His wife, Aunt Marie, who was Patti's great aunt on her mother's side, was loved with a such a fervent love by her husband, Ernest William Gruber.

Uncle Ernie was a soldier in World War II. I would love to sit and listen to him relate all the incredible things that happened in this greatest of all wars.
He would always say, "I went to Normandy on D-Day plus 1", which means he landed a day after the main invasion, which was on June 6th, 1944. He had many, many stories of the war, and he always had a reverence about him when he shared the good and bad of this particular war. And with humility he once shared with me how his friends were killed in this war against the evil tyrant,Adolf Hitler, and his regime.

He would also love to talk about his wife, and how they met, and how much she meant to him. And he loved to talk about the Baltimore Orioles: And all sports really. But especially the Orioles.

He was one of the kindest men I have known in my life. He rarely spoke down to others, or criticized other people. I'm sure he had his moments, and his sins were there. Ernie was one of those rare men that was a pleasure to see, and sit with, and be around.
I consider myself honored to have been able to know this wonderful man. He was very much loved by all his nephews and nieces; and he had quite a number of them. He knew all of them by name, (for the most part), and even knew about them, and asked about them, how they were doing, and so forth.

He never had any children himself, but I like to think he was blessed to have a family nonetheless.
I will miss him. I hope he made his peace with the Lord. He was never offended in Christ, and he was raised in a Protestant church, I believe. He told me not a few times that he remembered walking home from church as a young lad, and as he walked he would always sing, "Jesus loves me this I know, For the Bible tells me so".
He converted to Catholicism later in his life, where his wife was a very devout Catholic. I really feel I am a little bit better a person because of knowing Uncle Ernie. And I thank the Lord for him.

[Uncle Ernie chatting with Matthew, my grandson, about how old he is]


jen said...

It seems that he was a dear man. What a sweet tribute to him this post is. I've always felt that there is so much to learn from those who've gone before us, and enjoy talking with them so much about the old days gone by.

donsands said...

Thanks for stopping by Jen.