Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No smoking hot spot | The Australian

Here's a link [No smoking hot spot | The Australian] to an article that I came upon and is really worth the read.
All the global warming craziness, and lies, drives me nuts. When are people going to open their eyes, and minds to the global warming exaggeration, and even lies?


Craver Vii said...

I didn't have a real comment on the topic, but just wanted to say that it was kind of the artist not to put the United States in the center of those flames. I get tired sometimes of people taking shots at us.

donsands said...

We prolly deserve some of those shots. But most of them we surely don't.

I was thinking of how much hatred is in this world.

Did you know that in Iran, at one of their more popular hotles they have an American flag spread out in front of the main entrance where everyone tread upon it, and wipes their feet.

That's hatred. Some in America think we deserve this. But it makes me angry, and it hurts.

Jesus said if they hated Me, which they did, and still do, they will hate us; those who love Christ, and speak the truth of His salavtion.
And not everyone hated the Lord, and will hate us, but there will be people who would like to see us in pain, and hurting, and even dead. And only because we are trying to love them, as Christ told us to.
Difficult isn't it.

Litl-Luther said...

Thanks for the article. It is eye opening.

What do you think is the cause of global warming?

I would still like to see emissions go way down (everyone would if they lived in a place like Kathmandu where the air is so polluted, your lungs get destroyed as if you were a heavy smoker).

donsands said...

Pollution is real enough, and we are supposed to take better care of the earth.

I remember when I was a youngster and I would go swimming in the Chesapeake Bay, and there was seaweed galour.

Now it's all gone. And when you go swimmung, if you have on a white bathingsuit, when you finish swimming the suit is beige.

The USA is waking up to this, and they have been contending with it.

Global warming, for me, is a hoax. Just as global "cooling" was in the 70's.
I believe 20 years from now people will forget about all the hype, just as they have forgotten about global cooling.

And I must say that there's really no way of telling for sure. I'm no scientist.
And some of the scientist who say there's global warming don't really know. In fact they believe we evolved from apes, many of them.

Litl-Luther said...

I was thinking, this article would be a good one to pass on to Simon. He has mentioned many times about Global Warming.

It seems like it is getting hotter to me. When we were with my parents in Tucson, AZ, I was amazed how many of the record highs were after the year 2000. The local weather men would be looking back a hundred years and 95% of the time the record high had just occurred in the last few years. Very rarely was the record high from decades ago. I'm not sure if the same is true in Maryland though.

Marcian said...

No one knows what will happen tomorrow. The Lord is in control of it all. We can create a hypothesis, but we cannot be sure if it is correct until it happens. But what must we be sure of? Our God is on His throne, and will reward those who honor Him. I tend to believe that when a person has no hope outside of this world, they will do all they can to assure that this world is as sound as possible. That makes them think and believe all kind of crazy stuff about global warming.

Just my $0.02.

donsands said...

Excellent 2 cents worth Marcian. Thanks.