Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th 2001: I'll never forget what I was doing.

I was working with my brother-in-law, Tommy, near BWI Airport installing some aluminum gutters and downspouts. We had the radio on, and Tommy called to me and said, "Hey, they said on the radio that a plane has crashed into the Twin Towers in New York."
I thought it must be one of those small planes, which holds 2 to 4 people.
When I arrived home that day, and saw people jumping out from windows of the Towers, I thought they were jumping into nets, or perhaps some kind of safety device, and maybe from a few stories up. Little did I know.

I remember feeling as numb as I can ever remember feeling. I mean completely out of it.
I remember watching, over and over, the two jets crashing into the buildings, and my heart was numb with disbelief. Then the buildings came crashing down. I thought I must be dreaming, as I know we all did.

Then I remember the reports of how the Pentagon was also attacked. And that there was a plane that crashed in PA.
It was a day like no other day, and will remain a day like no other day for me.

Here are a couple pictures for a memorial for those who died. It's sad, and difficult to think on this horriffic event, and yet we must remember it, for it could happen again, and even worse.
I pray to the Lord that He will make us see the significance of such a tragedy, and that we will seek Him even more, and draw nigh unto Him even closer. Amen.

Here's a short account from the plane which crashed into the Pentagon. The photo is of Renee May.
"There were two reported phone calls from Flight 77: a cell phone call from flight attendant Renee May to her mother; and a cell phone call from passenger Barbara Olson to her husband, US Solicitor General Ted Olson. Ted Olson related to Newsweek:

Barbara was calm and collected as she told him how hijackers had used boxcutters and knifes to take control of the plane and had herded the passengers and crew to the back. “Ted, what can I do?” she asked him. “What can I tell the pilot?” Then, inexplicably, she got cut off."


mommanator said...

this was an event in American history that must be remembered as no other! they brought to our country! We must wok to protect our country!

donsands said...

I agree. God can speak to us in vivid ways through tragedies. Which the Cross was the greatest of all tragedies, and yet God's highest crown of glory as well.

God has a way to make good out of all things, so that those who love Him will grow in His grace and knowledge.

mommanator said...

Amen brothe Don