Wednesday, September 10, 2008

" ..that disciple whom Jesus loved said unto Peter, It is the Lord." John 21:7

"When Jesus stood on the shore, in the dim twilight of the morning, John was the first to perceive who it was, and to say, "It is the Lord;" but Peter was the first to spring into the water, and to struggle to get close to his Master. In a word, John was the first to see; but Peter was the first to act. John's gentle loving spirit was quickest to discern; but Peter's firey, impulsive nature was quickest to stir and move. And yet both were believers, both were truehearted disciples, both loved the Lord in life, and were faithful to Him unto death. But their natural temperaments were not the same.
Let us never forget the practical lesson before us. As long as we live, let us diligently use it in forming our estimate of believers. Let us not condemn others as graceless and unconverted, because they do not see the path of duty from our stand-point, or feel things exactly as we feel them. ... The gifts of God's children are not bestowed precisely in the same measure and degree. Some have more of one gift, and some have more of another. Some have gifts which shine more in public, and some which shine more in private. Some are more bright in a passive life, and some are more bright in an active one. Yet each and all the members of God's family, in their own way and in their own season, bring glory to God." -JC Ryle
[Painting is by, George C. Gray]

May the Lord help us be strong for Him in unity, and yet with great diversity. Amen.


Craver Vii said...

These sound like wise words.

Marcian said...

These are wise words, and convicting, too. Thanks, Don.

mommanator said...

Don, how true are those words. Somehow some folk think everyone is the same but GOd made each of us unique in our own seves. Isnt he wonderful!

donsands said...

Thanks for the encouragement Craver, Marcian, & Mommanator.

Marcian said...

What book is this from, Don?

donsands said...

It's from his commentary on the book of John, from chapter 11 thru 21.