Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Truth-Treasuring, Bible-Saturated Church Planting"

"..I think we have enough churches being planted by means of music, drama, creative scheduling, sprightly narrative, and marketing savvy. And there are too few that are God-cemtered, truth-treasuring, Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, cross-focused, Spirit-dependent, prayer-soaked, soul-winning, justice-pursuing congregations with a wartime mindset ready to lay down their lives for the salvation of the nations and the neighborhoods. There is a blood-earnest joy that sustains a church like this, and it comes only by embracing Christ-crucified as our righteousness. As William Wilberforce said:

'If we would...rejoice in [Christ] as triumphantly as the first Christians did; we must learn, like them to repose our entire trust in him and to adopt the language of the Apostle, "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Jesus Christ" [Galatians 6:14], "who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" [1 Corinthians 1:30].'" -John Piper

There are many winds of doctrines blowing through the Church in our day, and like leaves, many who are within the Church are being blown about. The people of the Lord need to have thier spiritual roots go deep into the soil of the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures. Each and every book of the Bible is essential for the child of God. It's His truth to us, His beloved people. And so when we are rooted in His truth, then we are not able to be blown about, and contrary-wise we are able to strengthen others in the truth of God, and so we all grow in His grace, love, and wisdom. And this is all for a twofold purpose: For our good, and for God's glory.


mommanator said...

man this is so true and have I found it out here in Florida. Hubby & I have visited so many churches looking for the one that is Christ filled! We will eventually find one

donsands said...

I pray you do. You will be a nice blessing for that church.

Craver Vii said...

" repose our entire trust in him..."

I like the way that's phrased!!

I also like to hear the words "Church Planting" coming from a like-minded brother. :-)

donsands said...

You know what Craver, those old saints from the United Kingdom really had a rich way of saying things, and I always imagine these quotes with a good olde British accent.

I sometimes wish that England would have won the war against America, and that way we would all have those great accents like Sinclair Ferguson, CS Lewis, and such.

Oh well.

Litl-Luther said...

Great quote! I know I've read it before. Was it from Piper's "Let the Nations be Glad"? I can't remember.

Don, I answered your question regarding Jivan and Anita at length at my blog.


donsands said...

Thanks Triston.