Thursday, October 16, 2008

Desiring God Conference Review Part 3

I brought this video over from across the pond, from Pastor Adrian Warnock's blog ( I really enjoyed listening to this preacher share his heart about this conference. I was encouraged in my heart, and renewed in mind by this well spoken 8 minute evaluation. Enjoy.

Tope Koleoso Concludes His Assessment of the DGM National Conference 2008

This is the third and final video of Tope speaking about the recent conference in Minneapolis. In this video he speaks about both Driscoll and Piper's talks.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Excellent.

That's quite an 'endorsement' for Mark...I thought I like Mark Driscol - but now...I really like him. :)

Great blog Don

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit 4jesus.

donsands said...

Oh, and BTW 4jesus, Driscoll has a lot of growing-up, and maturing, to do, IMHO. I believe he is a servant of Christ, and a brother in the Lord, but he sometimes says things that are bad.
So be as wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove.

Anonymous said...

So be as wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove

Of we should be no matter who is speaking.

Thanks for the encouragement.

donsands said...

" matter who is speaking."

Yes, especially me, myself and I. I so many times say things that are wrong. And yet God is faithful and gracious to help me see my error, and make amends if needed.
I need the wisdom mostly for my self. But your right, for every one we hear, that's for sure.

Now off to worship the Lord, and hear His Word, and be edified in His grace and truth.