Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Father Let Me Dedicate" -Lawrence Tuttiett, 1864

"Father let me dedicate all this life to Thee
In whatsoever worldly state Thou would have me be
Not from sorrow, pain or care, freedom dare I claim
This alone shall be my prayer, glorify Thy name

Can a child presume to choose where or how to live?
Can a Father's love refuse all the best to give?
Let my glad heart, while it sings, Thee in all proclaim
And, whate'er the future brings, glorify Thy name."

"...I fell in love with this hymn. It's everything a worship song should be--biblical, poetic and relevant. And these things are also the reason why the lyrics transcend many decades and remain powerful even to this day. It was initially a hymn to be sung on New Year's Day, but it felt far too powerful to only make an appearance once every 365 days. So I made a little tweak in the first line, replacing the word 'year' with 'life'. The Church needs more songs like this. Lyrics which speak of worship as a choice to be made in every circumstance of life: "Not from sorrow, pain or care, freedom dare I claim; this alone shall be my prayer: Glorify Thy Name." -Matt Redman


mommanator said...

know the words! forget the tune! wish I could hear it now. feel like I need it today

donsands said...

I tired to send the song to you. I hope it works.

Paul G said...

Excellent hymn!
Which Name needs to be glorified?

Craver Vii said...

I've never heard it before. I was going to say that I like the hymn, but that could be shallow and egocentric... what I mean is I think I can say those words and mean them.

donsands said...

God the Ftaher is to be glorified, and the Son, Jesus Christ is to glorified. They share the glory and honor.

"For the Ftaher judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son:
That all should hounour the Son, even as they honour the father. He that honours not the Son honours not the Father who has sent Him." John 5:22-23

Craver, I'll send the song to you. It worked for Mommanator, maybe I can do it again.

Craver Vii said...

Got it. Thanks!

Litl-Luther said...

How about me Don? Great words!! I'd love to hear the song!

Litl-Luther said...

Hey mommanator,

Did you mean to put 252 as your age in your profile? Very funny!

Paul G said...

You know that the Lord our God Jesus Christ does NOT share His glory with any other (Isaiah 42:8).
Because you think that God is many people it is impossible for you to know the Name which you ought to glorify.

Don; One day you surely have to deal with that question whether Jesus Christ is the Lord God the Almighty, or whether He is a god among other persons who are also god's?

Yes, I am jealous with a godly jealousy for everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ so that he does not give any glory to any other.

donsands said...


The Scriptures are crystal clear in manifold verses that there is a Father God, who has an only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Son of God. Not to mention the Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Triune Lord God of the Bible.
Couldn't be any clearer Paul.

Jesus said, "Let your light shine, Paul, so that your deeds glorify your Father WHO IS IN HEAVEN."

Paul G said...

Yes Don, there is a Father and His name is Jesus (John 17:11) "Holy Father protect them by the power of YOUR--NAME, the NAME—YOU—GAVE ME".

Again, there is only ONE heavenly Father and that is our Lord Jesus Christ, He is the Father of all creation (John 1:1)

Jesus said; "If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you know him and have seen him.
Don't you know me, Don, even after I have been among you such a long time?
Anyone who has SEEN ME has SEEN the FATHER.
How can you say show us the Father?
Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?" (John 14:7-10)

Craver Vii said...

Paul, God is indeed a jealous God, and rightly so.

I do not wish to be mean, but you're spreading confusion. Within the nature of the one God, there are three eternal persons... Father, Son , and Holy Spirit. It is possible that a new believer might not understand this, but if a person was in church long enough to be considered mature, and didn't have a basic grasp of trinitarian theology, there would be good reason to ask whether he was really saved.

What do you make of the Genesis account, where God says, let us make man in our image? Or Jesus' baptism, where God the Father speaks down from heaven concerning his beloved son who had just been baptized? Or Jesus promising to send a helper (the Holy Spirit)?

This is more than a matter of preference between fellow Christians, this is serious doctrinal error. I am heavy hearted with concern for you because denying the Trinity is heresy. Think, pray, turn.

But if I have misunderstood you, please clarify.

Craver Vii said...

Nevermind, Paul. I checked out your blog. It was no mistake; you have condemned yourself. Your are not right with God. But you are not just one confused puppet, you make yourself out to be a teacher. God's Word says He will not go easy on you.

donsands said...

Thanks Craver for sharing those good words with paul.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thes. 1:1

Paul G said...

Well, craver vii: I tell you the truth and that is not confusion as you said.
Confused is the one who says that God is a few persons (Trinity) and THEY are ONE and no one can really understand that.
Such a man is not only confused but deceived.

The God of the Bible I really know! and I assure you that HE is NOT---THREE persons and neither is HE a 'THEY'!
One day you will meet MY God, the true God (1John 5:20) and then you will know that He is NOT three persons but one, just as He said.

The judgment is not mine but His and He (Jesus) judges the heart of every man.

Jesus said, "If you do not know that I am HE, you will die in your sins". (John 8:24 and Isa.43:10)
That is something worthwhile to consider, He said that as a warning and a correction.

Paul G said...

To really glorify His NAME, we must KNOW His Name and not titles or lots of names, but only one Name. JESUS!

donsands said...

John chapter 17 clears it all up for me Paul. Not to mention so many other Scriptures.

But we will never see eye to eye on the clarity of the Holy Writ Paul, so you're correct, one day we shall see the God of Scripture, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Litl-Luther said...

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased”’ (Matt. 3:16-17). Here at one moment we have three members of the Trinity performing three distinct activities. God the Father is speaking from heaven; God the Son is being baptized and is then spoken to from heaven by God the Father; and God the Holy Spirit is descending from heaven to rest upon and empower Jesus for his ministry.

At the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He commands the disciples that they should go “and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19).

Paul g, do you obey Jesus' command, or do you refuse to obey Jesus' command to baptize in the three names of the Triune God?

Who was Jesus praying to all those times in Scripture? Himself? If so He would sound like a madman.

Three Statements Summarize the Biblical Teaching:

1. God is three persons.
2. Each person is fully God.
3. There is only one God.

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Cor. 13:14).

Litl-Luther said...

Paul g,

I'm amazed that you would use John 1:1 to prove your heresy, since it clearly proves the opposite:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Let's draw this verse out like a picture:

Word + God
Word = God
God + Word

-The Word looks to be alone in the beginning
-Then the Word is standing with God in the beginning
-Then we find out that the Word was God in the beginning
-Then we find out that God and the Word were together in the beginning

How in the world can you use this verse to prove your heresy, unless you are utterly blind? We see the persons of Father and Son so clearly in this text and we also see that there is only One God.

It grieves my heart that you would deny such a fundamental truth of the Faith as the Trinity.

donsands said...

Thanks Triston for sharing. Good stuff bro.