Friday, October 10, 2008

"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature." Galatians 6:15

"Wherefore in Christ Jesus we must not dispute of the laws, either of the Gentiles or of the Jews; we must simply pronounce that neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything.

Are the laws then evil? Not so. They are good and profitable in their place and time. Moreover, we use also in the churches certain ceremonies and laws; not that the keeping of them avails unto righteousness, but for good order, example, quietness, and concord, according to the saying: "Let all things be done decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40). But if laws are set forth and urged as though the keeping of them did justify a man, or the breaking thereof did condemn him, they ought to be taken away and abolished.

Now, a new creature, whereby the image of God is renewed, is not made by any counterfeiting of good works, but is created by Christ after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness. When works are done, they bring indeed a new outward appearance with which the world and the flesh are delighted, but not a new creature: for the heart remains wicked as it was before. Therefore, a new creature is the work of the Holy Ghost, who cleanses our heart by faith and works the fear of God, love, chastity, and other Christian virtues, and gives power to bridle the flesh and to reject the righteousness and wisdom of the world." -Martin Luther

Seems the cleaning up the outside of the cup will always be in the Church. But There can be no doubt that the Bible teaches from front to back, that it's the inner man, the heart that needs to be cleaned up. And when that happens, then the outside is renewed.

And Luther says: "For before, being blinded with errors and darkness, it [the mind] imagined God to be a merchant who would sell us His grace for our works and merits. But now, in the light of the Gospel, it assures us that we are counted righteous by faith only in Christ."

Have a blessed weekend to all in the good news, the gospel, of Christ's grace and truth.


Craver Vii said...

Speaking of circumcision, a friend told me that he was invited to a Passover Seder, where the guests had to bring a doctor's note, confirming that the men had been circumcised.

No thanks! That's neither a necessary requirement for a Christian to participate in a seder, nor is it anybody else's business to have such information.

donsands said...

That's crazy Craver.

Thanks for coming by. Have a blessed weekend.