Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Inn at Perry Cabin, a place of solace. And a gracious blessing from the Lord.

Patti & I were able to get away for three days to our favorite spot. We have our rituals. First we are affectionately greeted by the staff. Then we take the first of many strolls about the grounds.

What a marvelous time. And we really do thank the Lord quite often, while we enjoy our getaway.


mommanator said...

How beautiful, how lucky!

Nitima Sood said...

Interesting blog, enjoyed going through it.

Check mine at

Can we exchange links?

donsands said...

It is a beautiful place mommanator. And it's a laid back lifestyle small town atmosphere. A lot different then Baltimore.

ns, Thanks for the visit. But I don't think we have too much in common really.
A lot of what you share on your blog is self-help positive thinking, which works, but in the long haul, it can cause great harm to the human soul.
Jesus knew this, and so said, "If anyone wants to come after Me, he has to deny himself." And Jesus also said, "We must take up our cross daily, and die to self, and live for Christ."

Human hearts need to struggle with all the bad this world has. We need to admit the negative forces at work; the devil, the world system, and our sinful flesh. We also need to acknoledge Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and see His death and resurrection as our great hope, and salvation.
Then life shall be precious, and full. Not living in denial of evil, but overcoming it through Christ Jesus.
For Jesus said, "You can do nothing without Me."

I see that you went to Jesus & Mary College.
What are your thought s on who Jesus is ns? If you don't mind me asking.