Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"..we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son,..." -St. Paul

"I am not saved by believing; I realize I am saved by believing. It is not repentance that saves me, repentance is the sign that I realize what God has done in Christ Jesus. The danger is to put the emphasis on the effect instead of on the cause. It is my obedience that puts me right with God, my consecration. NEVER!
I am put right with God because prior to all, Christ died. When I turn to God and by belief accept what God reveals I can accept, instantly the stupendous Atonement of Jesus Christ rushes me into a right relationship with God; and by the supernatural miracle of God's grace I stand justified, not because I am sorry for my sin, not because I have repented, but because of what Jesus has done.The Spirit of God brings it with a breaking, all-over light, and I know, though I do not know how, that I am saved.

The salvation of God does not stand on human logic, it stands on the sacrificial Death of Jesus. We can be born again because of the Atonement of our Lord. Sinful men and women can be changed into new creatures, not by their repentance or their belief, but by the marvelous work of God in Christ Jesus which is prior to all experience. The impregnable safety of justification and sanctification is God Himself. We have not to work out these things ourselves; they have been worked out by the Atonement. The supernatural becomes natural by the miracle of God; there is the realization of what Jesus Christ has already done--"IT IS FINISHED!" - Oswald Chambers, From 'My Utmost for His Highest', October 28.

Patti, my wife, brought this to my attention this morning, after she had read it during her morning devotions. It is this truth which induces in my soul's deepest depths, a most steadfast joy and gratitude to our loving Savior and Lord.

Why would Jesus love His enemies with such a magnificent love? The answer to that heartfelt question shall, perhaps, never be known. And though we may not comprehend this greatest of all loves, we surely shall be moved deeply by it, and so we love Christ in return, and we desire with fervent longing to serve, worship, and follow Him, wherever He may take us; into the valley of sorrow and death, or upon the mountain top of His joy. Thank You Lord for the Cross!

"Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all."


Craver Vii said...

I think I understand what Os was saying. Faith can be described as a conduit, but not a causal agent. In other words, faith doesn't drive us to salvation, yet God's grace will not come to us by any other road. Faith is absolutely necessary.

donsands said...

I think there's an overlapping of grace and faith when Christ brings those whom He is seeking, to the Cross, and then opens their eyes to see that they have been bought by His precious blood, and that he has genuinely taken our sins upon His broken body, and washed us clean in His blood.

I believe the thought here is that we are saved by Jesus, not our faith, but our faith is real and necessary.

thanks Craver for your always welcomed visit.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Chambers has very good insight. I have appreciated his writing for quite some time.

Something else to think about: The faith that we need to believe is not something that we can muster on our own - it is also a gift...even more so enforcing that we are saved by God's grace that none can boast.

Read my post on Romans 3:20-26 and let me know what you think.

When Abraham's faith was tested when the Lord told him to take his son to the mountain...Abraham walked in faith that the Lord would provide (even if he didn't know how). The Lord was showing Abraham the faith that was already within him, not that the Lord needed to know, but Abraham needed to know.

The Lord does the same with us today. He knows the faith we already have, and He will bring it out from within us through "testing" that shows us the faith that He has already given us. (Read this post too)

donsands said...

".. it is also a gift"

I agree Chris. The trusting of Christ is something supernatural, which is what Chambers is saying.

It's truly my faith, which actually pleases God, though this same faith comes forth from a regenerated, and quickened, dead spirit, and callous heart, which is hard as granite.
God does the work in our hearts, because He has chosen to have mercy on whom He will have mercy.
Why did He chose me?
I'll never know. But I'm forever grateful.

Anonymous said...

Why did He chose me?

Jon Piper has a book: 10 Reasons Jesus Came to Die. Very good...
