Friday, October 24, 2008

"The Word must be heard." -Martin Luther

" ..this we must learn, that forgiveness of sins, Christ, and the Holy Ghost are freely given unto us, only at the hearing of faith preached, in spite of our horrible sins and demerits. And we must not weigh our unworth with the greatness of the thing given, but we must think that it pleases God to freely give this unspeakable gift unto us, I say, who are unworthy. .... A man therefore is made a Christian not by working, but by hearing: ..wherefore he who will exercise himself to righteousness must first exercise himself in hearing the gospel.

When he has heard and received the gospel, let him give thanks to God with a joyful and a glad heart, and afterwards let him exercise himself in those good works which are commanded in the law, so that the law and works may follow the hearing of faith. So may he quietly walk in the light which is Christ and boldly choose and do works not hypocritical, but good works indeed, such as he knows will please God and are commanded by Him.

....The Word must be heard. The Word is not God's voice only; it must be heard by you: then it is truly and indeed the hearing of faith, through which you receive the Holy Ghost, and by whom, after you have once received, you shall also mortify your flesh." -Martin Luther

Our rightness with God is pure grace. God's favor comes upon us, and He quickens our dead souls. He shines into our hearts, and we see our unholiness, which brings conviction and sorrow, and we see His goodness at the Cross, which brings forgivenss and mercy.
What a wonderful God and Savior we have. We are so unworthy, and He is incredibly gracious and longsuffering. All glory to the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, King, and Friend. Amen.


mommanator said...

Amen brother Don

donsands said...

And Amen. Thanks for droppin' by.