Monday, November 24, 2008

Righteousness is found only in Christ; no where else, but only in Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. This is the Gospel,the Good News for sinners.

"...the imputation of Christ's perfect righteousness was credited to our account, as our sin was credited to His account in the penal suffering He endured in our place.

I don't know a better summary of the implications of 2 Corinthians 5:21 than the words of Charles Hodge:
'There is probably no passage in the Scriptures in which the doctrine of justification is more concisely or clearly stated than in [2 Corinthians 5:21]. Our sins were imputed to Christ, and His righteousness is imputed to us. He bore our sins; we are clothed in His righteousness. ...Christ bearing our sins did not make him morally a sinner...nor does Christ's righteousness become subjectively ours, it is not the moral quality of our souls. ...Our sins were the judicial ground of the sufferings of Christ, so that they were a satisfaction of justice; and his righteousness is the judicial ground of our acceptance with God, so that our pardon is an act of justice....It is not mere pardon, but justification alone, that gives us peace with God.'" -John Piper, From his book: 'Counted Righteous in Christ'.

Very important teaching for the child of Christ to know and understand, that it's His righteousness which is given to us, or credited to us. Jesus not only died for our sins, but lived for us, and so gives His perfect sinless life to us as well.
What a God and Savior!


lorenzothellama said...

That bloke looks just like Prince Charles!
Happy Thanksgiving.

donsands said...

Thanks for the visit Llama.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

Paul G said...

Well Don! I don't like the thought that Jesus has given us His righteousness.
If so; then we could loose it easily or Satan would take it from us for sure.
I think that His righteousness is in Himself and we are in Christ, therefore we could never lose that righteousness and we are safe in Him.

donsands said...


Romans says God imputes, or credit's His righteousness to us. And Jesus is imputed and credited with our sin.

Once God does that nothing can change it. Satan can't rob us of it, nothing can touch what the Almighty God has done through His Son, Jesus Christ. His blood washes us clean. His body was broken for our sin. He gives us the robe of righteousness, and Satan can never take it from us.
Satan will tempt us, and lie, but the Bible is crystal clear.

And I agree we are in Christ, and He is in us. We died with Him on the Cross, and rose with Him on the third day, and we are seated with Him in the heaven realm!

Litl-Luther said...

Excellent post Don! Thank you so much for this. What an encouragment and perfect to read on Thanksgiving!

Blessings bro.

donsands said...

Thanks for stoppin' by Triston.