Friday, November 14, 2008

"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the LORD'" (Psalm 122:1).

"When we come to church on Sunday morning, we enjoy fellowship with one another. We benefit from the encouragement we get from being with friends who are praying for us, who are also on a spirtual pilgrimage. ...But the primary reason to be in church is to worship the living God, and for this we must bring a sense of reverence and adoration for His transcendant majesty. There's nothing common about this. We walk through that door. We step across the threshold. We enter into His presence. We know that God is not restricted to this building but that this is a sacred hour that God has set apart and declared to be a holy time of visitation between Himself and His people. We come now into His magnificient presence. We leave worldly cares and concerns for a while and focus on God. The pulpit is not a place for pop psychology. The pulpit is a place where the Word of God is to be proclaimed--not the opinion of the pastor. People come to hear the Word from God. It is the pastor's responsibility to make sure what they hear from the pulpit is the Word of God. That's where the power is. That's where the truth is. That's what we all desperately need to hear and respond in a way that will honor God, in a way that will honor His majesty--that people will sense that they are in the presence of the holy." -RC Sproul

I have truly loved going to church these past 24 years.
I love to hear the Word.
I love to sing hymns and spiritual songs with God's people to the Lord.
And I love the fellowship of "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." This unity in the Spirit has almost always been there, except for a short season, which seemed like an eternity of darkness really, when there was deep resentment and even hatred within the church body.
But all is well again, as the Lord has been gracious to allow this sinner to come together with His children to worship our Father in Spirit and in truth.
What a glorious Savior we do have, who makes a way for sinners to come into the presence of the Holy One of the universe!
Thank You Jesus for the Cross. Amen.

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