Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Praise you in this Storm (live)

This is such a moving spiritual song.
Be encouraged by the words, melody, and the testimony of the song writer.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Amen.


Anonymous said...

We lost a son 5 years ago....

And while the words themselves weren't always what we wanted to hear - "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" would carry us...

donsands said...

Wow Chris. Sorry to hear that.

The Lord Jesus Himself carried you for sure.

Anonymous said...

No worries mate. While it was an extrememly diffucult time in our lives - we have been blessed to be able to bless others through our circumstances. The LORD finds Glory in all things.

Yes, as we look back - we don't know how we could have gone through it without the Lord. He is Gracious in all things and in all ways.