Saturday, November 08, 2008

When Jesus had thus said, He was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said Verily, verily, I say to you, that one of you shall betray Me. John 13:21

"Let it be noted, that of all the Gospel writers John is the one who dwells most fully on the Divine nature of our Lord, and also is the one who describes most fully the reality of His human affections.

Observe that to be troubled and disturbed in mind is not in itself sinful. Brentius remarks, sfter Augustine, how foolish were the Stoic philosophers, who taught that a wise man is never disturbed in mind.

Musculus thinks that our Lord's distress and sorrow at the sight of the wickedness of Judas had much to do with this "trouble of spirit." Nothing so sad as the sight of a hardened, incorrigible backslider." -JC Ryle

The photo is from "Jesus of Nazereth", the Franco Zifferelli film. This particular sceen was when Jesus tells Judas to go and do what he is to do, and so Judas, becasue of his hard heart, and possesed by Satan himself, goes to betray his Master for 30 pieces of silver.

I genuinely enjoy this movie very much. Some think it leans on Cathoicism too much, and others don't like the way Robert Powell, who portrays Christ appears.
But I really enjoy his performance.

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