Monday, January 19, 2009

"Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, ...Rejoice, for great is your reward in heaven..." Matt 5:11-12

[Figures de la Bible (1728) Cain kills Abel]

"The true Christian has surely no right to wonder if he meets with the same kind of treatment as our blessed Lord. In fact, the more like he is to his Master, and the more holy and spiritual his life, the more probable is it that he will have to endure hatred and persecution. Let him not suppose that any degree of consistency will deliver him from this cross. It is not his faults, but his graces, which call forth the enmity of men. The world hates to see anything of God's image. The children of the world are vexed and pricked in conscience when they see others better than themselves. Why did Cain hate his brother Abel, and slay him? "Because," says St. John, "his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous." (1 John iii. 12.) Why did the Jews hate Christ? Because He exposed their sins and false doctrines; and they knew in their own hearts that He was right and they were wrong. "The world," said our Lord, "hateth Me, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." (John vii. 7.) Let Christians make up their minds to drink the same cup, and let them drink it patiently and without surprise. There is One in heaven who said, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you." (John xv. 18.) Let them remember this and take courage. The time is short. We are travelling on towards a day when all shall be set right, and every man shall receive according to his works. "There is an end: and our expectation shall not be cut off." (Prov. xxiii. 18.)" -JC Ryle

[The Torches of Nero, by Henryk Siemiradzki.]

The persecution, and hatred of God's children on this earth has been here from the begining, and shall never leave us. It may subside at times, and we may experience peace for a season, but the world hates God, and so the war, and it's many battles and skirmishes, and conflicts will continue. I pray that we will have peace, and not a sword. But the sword is unavoidable. I fear I will need much grace to face what may be coming to the Church in our nation, as far as persecution in all the ways that it can come. May I honor the Lord if, and when, it happens. And may I not be ashamed of Christ and the truth of His Word. Amen.


Shiloh Guy said...

dear donsands,

First, sorry about the game yesterday. I was pulling for your Ravens. I've always been partial to Baltimore teams and Baltimore's fans for some reason. (I confess to some real anger about the '66 Series when McNally, Bunker, and Palmer swept my beloved Dodgers.) Maybe my affection for Baltimore has something to do with the movie I would consider to be a classic, "Diner." So, anyway, sorry about yesterday's game.

To more serious things. The Lord has blessed me with the privilege of ministering internationally and I have seen the persecution of the church firsthand. I wish all American Christians could see what it is like. And I have long been convinced that we will see it here in the USA. In fact, I always expected it during my lifetime. As I get older I begin to wonder...but I know things can deteriorate at a rapid pace. May God grant us grace to stand.

Anonymous said...

Would Jesus ask us to fight and resist, that I do not know - but certainly to stand strong in the face of adversity.

Enemies abound - forces will strike against the Church and us as Christians. But, I will hang on to knowing that greater is HE that is in me that he that is in the world...

In the meantime - I will press on and focus on the great commission (rather than the great escape)...

Jesus is Lord of ALL.

Thought you might also enjoy my last post...Burning Coals.

Be blessed today!!

donsands said...

Thanks Dave and Chris.

The Ravens had a good season. Never expected them to get as far as they did.
The Steelers are most likely going to win the Super Bowl, but I'd like to see the Cardinals beat them.
I remember the 66 Dodgers. Sandy Koufax was one of the greatest, if not the greatest. In his time no one was close to him. Loved to watch him pitch.

Craver Vii said...

The bizarre thing is when our lumps come from unexpected sources. Brothers, fathers, children. (Mk. 13:12) Those hurts go deep, don't they? Still, how much better it is to stand for what is right, than to avoid the lumps at all costs.

I just hope that I don't confuse deserved indignation with the honor of being persecuted for the sake of Christ. Yeah, sometimes I get in trouble because I'm a regular knucklehead, and it doesn't have anything to do with your topic today. :-)

donsands said...

"Yeah, sometimes I get in trouble because I'm a regular knucklehead"

Huh, that happens to you too.

I would say eh, but I think that's more nothern American and Canadian, huh, is Baltimorian, or Bal'mer kind of talk.

Craver Vii said...


There is a Bal'mer in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a Bal'mer in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.

Some times I feel discouraged,
And think my work’s in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.

donsands said...

Ah, love that Craver.

Joseph Scott Jr. said...

Often we fight and recoil about things that do not matter eternally. We fight for the wind and trade our salvation for trinkets. What profits a man to win the whole world and loose his soul. I look forward to the day when man shall believe God. We are spirits, this is not my home. It is my testing place.

Blessing to you sir...