Monday, January 26, 2009

"...He [Jesus] cried with a loud voice, 'Lazarus, come forth!'. And he that was dead came forth,.." John 11:43-44

[Rembrandt van Rijn 1606-1669 The Raising of Lazarus]

Jesus' friend Lazarus had died. He had lain in a tomb for four days. Jesus came and spoke to his dead body, and Lazarus came back to life. Amazing miracle. And Jesus did many thousands of miracles, signs, and wonders.

Hear what Bishop John Charles Ryle has to say concerning Christ and His miracles:

"The mighty miracles which our Lord performed during the three years of His earthly ministry are probably not considered as much as they ought to be in our present day. These miracles were not few in number. Forty times and more we read in the Gospels of His doing things entirely out of the ordinary course of nature,--healing sick people in a moment, raising the dead with a word, casting out devils, calming winds and waves in an instant, walking on the water as on solid ground. These miracles were not all done in private among friends. Many of them were wrought in the most public manner, under the eyes of unfriendly witnesses. We are so familiar with these things that we are apt to forget the mighty lesson they teach. They teach that He who worked these miracles must be nothing less than very God. They stamp His doctrines and precepts with the mark of divine authority. ...He who could suspend the laws of creation must be One who ought to be thoroughly believed and implicitly obeyed. To reject One who confirmed His mission by such mighty works is the height of madness and folly."

I'll have more from Bishop Ryle about Christ and His miracles on my next post.


Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

one of my favorite Bible stories!! in fact, my daughter recognized my love of it so well that she used it for an inscription in a Bible she gave me 10 years ago - at 14 years old - so you can tell we talked of it often!

Maalie has been out of the country and didn't realize that you'd left the questions you had - I had an email from him today as I didn't see the comment I left him (and sent an email to question if he'd deleted the comment) telling him of your questions and that I would like (even though I'd put the stop of evolutionary talk on a while back) to hear his answer myself.

Seems he accidentally erased quite a few comments when he was trying to publish them - he was out of town and had comment enabling on - as he frequently does when away. So - hopefully he'll be back soon to respond. Just thought I'd let you know what was up. I'll try to let you know if/when/where he responds.

donsands said...

"..she used it for an inscription in a Bible she gave me 10 years ago - at 14 years old.."

What a thoughtful daughter you have Susan.

Thanks for the heads up about Mallie. I appreciate it very much.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

OK - he answered you. It's a totally unacceptable answer - antagonistic at best - but he did answer you.

donsands said...

That's to be expected. Thanks Susan for walking such a good walk with Christ. Your light shines very brightly.

mommanator said...

the most wonderful miracle to me was him on the cross for ME

donsands said...

Amen. And His rsing from the dead for you as well.