Sunday, January 04, 2009


The Baltimore Ravens are the real deal. Not a powerhouse yet. But we can hold our own with any team. So, is the Super Bowl a far fetch for us Raven fans? I think not.

It was such a pleasure to watch the Ravens win in a strong way again. The wins that are comeback wins, or the ones we hold on to, are great after they are over, but watching them is nerve-racking. Even though, these type of games are much more worthy a win, and are cause for greater joy. Especially the following day as we discuss the game with other fans and friends.

I have high hopes the Ravens can beat the Tennessee Titans next Saturday @ 4:30 pm. And then it's off to either Pittsburgh, or San Diego. I'd much rather have the Chargers than the Steelers. But I believe the Ravens can handle either of these teams as well.

Then, Super Bowl here we come! And I imagine the Giants will be our Foe. The same Foe back in 2000. And it would be the 50th anniversary of Baltimore playing New York for the championship. Though we are no longer the Baltimore Colts, we surely should be, if the Colts would have had a half way decent owner, which they did not. An owner like the Ravens owner, who left the Browns in Cleveland.

I love football. It was one of my gods, until I came to Christ. Now it's not a god, but I still enjoy the game--probably too much at times, says my wife. I should listen to her, but it's so hard. Though she likes to watch football with me at times. I guess that could be a resolution for me. Only so much football per season. Sounds doable. But only by His grace. For it's His grace that provides for our obedience, and for our doing the right thing. If we do it on our own, then we will either be proud, or end up depressed.
Sorry, didn't mean to be so preachy, but it just sort flowed so I figured I'd write it down.

God bless all who come here. Amen.

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