Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"There are some miracles I wish were true. The first one is the best. Changing water into wine for a wedding works for me."-Christopher Hitchens

I heard Mr. Hitchens say this while debating Doug Wilson on "The Existence of God".
Actually Christopher is quite antagonistic towrds religion, and Christianity. But for some reason I like Hitchens. Maybe it's his accent, for I truly don't like his firm stance opposed to Christ my Lord and Savior. I pray the Lord would have mercy on Christopher, and open his eyes to the truth. Amen.

[Rembrandt, Christ in the Storm 1633]

More from JC Ryle on miracles:

"Hundreds of unbelieving men, no doubt, in every age, have tried to pour contempt on Christ's miracles, and to deny that they were ever worked at all. But they labour in vain. Proofs upon proofs exist that our Lord's ministry was accompanied by miracles; and that this was acknowledged by those who lived in our Lord's time. Objectors of this sort would do well to take up the one single miracle of our Lord's resurrection from the dead, and disprove it if they can. If they cannot disprove that, they ought, as honest men, to confess that miracles are possible. And then, if their hearts are truly humble, they ought to admit that He whose mission was confirmed by such evidence must have been the Son of God.

Let us thank God, ...that Christianity has such abundant evidence that it is a religion from God. Whether we appeal to the internal evidence of the Bible, or to the lives of the first Christians, or to prophecy, or to miracles, or to history, we get one and the same answer. All say with one voice, "Jesus is the Son of God, and believers have life through His name."



Anonymous said...

Good post true, that no matter what our faith lies in the truth and reality of who Christ is.

Jesus, He is Lord of All.

Thank you for your commitment to truth.

donsands said...

Sometimes I feel like giving up really. But then there this burning in my belly that longs to see the truth proclaimed, and always with compassion for others, even when I'm passionate.

What a gracious blessing from God to allow us to love, and rejoice in, His truth!

mommanator said...

keep it going brother DON, I so enjoy your posts of truth.
When folk started having computers everyone thought they were of the devil, but look at the wonder of a machine to allow folk like us to commune with each other, even if we are miles apart! and don't really know each other, only our love for a common Lord & Savior!

donsands said...

So true mommanator. Thanks for stopping by.

Craver Vii said...

And today, people still want to see more proof. New proof. Somehow, the works of the past just aren't good enough. I don't understand that. There were so many outrageous miracles that were witnessed by lots of people. It wasn't just an exaggeration, it was water before, and wine immediately afterwards. Leprous before, whole immediately afterwards. Dead before, alive immediately afterwards.

But today... "If God would only do this____, then more people would believe. I really don't think so. Let them instead weigh the words of the Scriptures, the testimony of the saints, and also apply reason to historical accounts. Then, let the Holy Spirit regenerate whomever God chooses. God is not a genie in a bottle waiting to perform tricks for us at our beck and whim.

Craver Vii said...

Hey, JD Hatfield is located right between my two Florida stops next month. How cool is that?

donsands said...

Thanks for the good thoughts Craver.
Pastor JD? Super duper cool, if you could stop by and say hi.