Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Why would the Lord ever save me?

I'll never know the answer to that in it's fullness. Yes, I know He loved me, even before I was born. Even before He created Adam, our first father. He save me in spite knowing how much I would blaspheme His name, and hate the things of the Lord, and be only self-centered, and a lover of myself.

But because of the Scriptures, I know He saved me. In fact He "foreknew" me. It's an intimate word "knew", in the original language. Jesus Christ "knew" His elect children, as did the Father, and loved them, and so He predestined them "according to the good pleasure of His will" (Eph. 1:5).

And whom He predestined, He also called. He called me out "of darkness, and into His marvelous light" by His great mercy. And He justified me, through the blood of Christ, our risen Lord and Savior. And He has, and shall, glorify me with Himself.
Amazing! Truly amazing! A sinner like me, who didn't want God, but only wanted to live as I wanted; as a rebel.

God did "foreknow" me, as He does all His elect. It's a verb, God "knew". And it's an intimate saying, as we read, "Adam knew his wife Eve". Very intimate indeed.

But there are those whom, on the last day shall say, "Lord, Lord, didn't you know us, for we did all sorts of things for you?"

Jesus Christ, the holy Lord of lords, will say, "I NEVER KNEW YOU! DEPART FROM ME!"

How could any seven words be more fearful to hear?

God knows those who are His.

And those who not His? He does not know them. And that is 100% His decision whom He will show mercy to, and whom He will not bestow His mercy upon. However, we all, everyone of us deserves to hear the words, "I never knew you: Depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness, you sinners!"

"But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together with Christ, (by whose grace we are saved)." (Eph. 2:4)

We are all children of wrath, but God chose to foreknow, chose from His heart to love us, those whom He would come and save from our sins, and so make of children of peace.

It's a very personal salvation. God knows His sheep by name. He calls us one by one to Himself, and God the Father has given us to His Son, and Jesus, His Son, laid down His life, (though He never had to), but freely He gave His life. So by His blood, and broken body, we are forever forgiven of our sin, and robed in the righteousness of Christ our Lord, the Holy King, and eternal Lamb of God!

To His name and Person, the holy Triune God, be all glory! All glory! We deserve none. Zero. And I love it. I love the Lord. I love Him, because He first loved me, before the foundations of the world. Though I'll never understand why; even in eternity, I probably won't.


Shiloh Guy said...


This is a question I have asked myself many, many times. "Why would the Lord ever save me?" Why would the Lord ever save ANYONE? We're certainly beyond the point of thinking that it could have anything to do with us or our value or our abilities to serve him. There is only one possible conclusion. He does everything for his own glory so he saved me/us for his own glory. I can only imagine the angels standing around the throne in wonder, praising God and his power, his love, his grace, and being overwhelmed by his glory when they saw that he had saved someone like me!

Prayed for you and your business this morning!

Anonymous said...

Great thinking Don.

This is one of those questions that has been and will always and forever be out of the grasp of human understanding - even when we as humans know the answer, it won't make sense in relation to our human reason.

Shiloh Guy addresses it well...God saves us (even me) for His glory.

Seems self-centered to our flawed and incomplete human thinking.

Being in the flesh, could we really ever comprehend something so generous as to draw someone unto themself?

donsands said...

Thanks for the encouragement Dave & Chris.

Craver Vii said...

Yes indeed, why would God save anyone at all? I'm so glad God has given you a sanctified perspective, Sandman!

Oh look! It's Shiloh Guy. Did you know that cool cat used to live in my town? We didn't know each other back then, though.

donsands said...

God is gracious Craver.

Yep, Dave is a "cool cat", and a fine pastor/teacher.

James said...

So Christ died for some, and apparently for you!

Just an obvious question, if you don't mind: how do you KNOW He died for you?

What signs do you look for? What method do you use to determine that He did die for you and that you aren't just mistaken?

Is it POSSIBLE you could be mistaken? If you are mistaken and you get a rude surprise upon death, would you still worship Christ as Lord even as He throws you into Hell?

donsands said...

"Just an obvious question, if you don't mind: how do you KNOW He died for you?" James

"These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may KNOW you have ETERNAL LIFE!"

Three things are in the believers life: Faith, hope, and love.

Our great hope is Christ. Our trust is completely in Him. And we love Him, because He first loved us, and died for us, and so He pours out His love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who abides within us (Romans 5:5).

Also, the Christian will be a slave to righteousness, whereas before he was a slave to sin. Sin has lost it's grip, and righteousness has gripped our heart instead.

God does all this James. He has mercy on whom He will. Romans 9 teaches us that salvation is of the sovereign Lord, it's not to "him who performs, of even wills, but of God, and His mercy".

"Is it POSSIBLE you could be mistaken?" James


Thanks for the visit James. May the Lord, through His Holy Scriptures and grace, as you read and study, help you to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).

Baptist Girl said...

Amen Don,
I ask that myself often, why me Lord? I truly am humbled and amazed that He saved me, there is absolutely no reason for Him to do so if you seen the life I lived. That is why It is called Amazing Grace for this wretched soul did not deserve it.
