Thursday, January 22, 2009


YouTube - DEFIANCE Trailer #2 HD (Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber)

My wife, Patti, and I went to see "Defiance" last evening.
It was a terrific film. For me it was a blend of "Saving Private Ryan", "Schindlers List", and "Doctor Zhivago".
The filming was wonderful. The acting was great. The harsh language was peppered throughout, but not too many four letter words to ruin it for me.
And the story is incredible!

It's not for children, nor teenagers, I would think. The violence is heavy, but not as heavy duty as 'Private Ryan'. The cinematography isn't as grand as 'Zhivago', but is was very well done. And the plight of the Jewish people was a more mixed bag of emotions, and not quite to the depth of 'Schindler'. It's one of those movies that sticks with you, or at least it has stuck with me.

That's my crude review for what it's worth. Take a peek at the trailor by clicking on the link next to the photo, if you haven't done so yet.

It was nice to get out and see a film, and then have dinner afterwards and sit and discuss the film, among other things. The Lord is way too gracious to me. I do thank Him for these small things He blesses us with, and especially in such difficult times as these. Which, if we compare what we're going through to what these Jews went through back during WWII, is no comparison whatsoever.


Craver Vii said...

I want to see that one. I've never seen Dr. Zhivago, though. You know what else I haven't seen? Gone With the Wind. We have it on video cassettes (GWtW, not DrZ), but I just haven't made the time to sit down and watch it. Thanks for the review.

That guy made a cool 007, don't you think? Unfortunately, I'll have the torture scene forever etched in my memory... ugh!

donsands said...

Craver you're too much. You have Gone With the Wind, and have never watched it.

Yeah, I liked Craig as Bond. He is very good as a Russian Jew, I thought.

Yep, that torture scene, wow.

Thanks for coming by my brother. Lord bless you this weekend.