Monday, February 16, 2009

"In the begining God created the heaven and the earth" -Moses

Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis, would have had first rate knowledge of all these things. For, "..the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." Exodus 33:11

The very first verse Moses wrote down says that God is the Creator. And so as we look about, and we behold the creation before us-- the universe, the earth, the sea, and the wildlife--, we have no other choice really except to acknowledge a Creator.

If not a Creator with eternal attributes, then what? An eternal rock? An eternal gas? Something had to be eternal. Otherwise, if in the begining there was nothing, then there would still be nothing wouldn't there.

Just a post with a little thinking out loud.


Anonymous said...

Nice work Don.

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Genesis. (only second being Deuteronomy)....

There is so much reflection of God's sovereign mercy and grace and His eternal plan of salvation and redemption thought faith in Christ revealed in's a great book!

One of my recent posts "Create Light/Make Light"...just amazed me when I "uncovered" it,

Also "In His Image and In His Likeness"...

I'd like to know what y'all think. :)

Blessings to you Don!

donsands said...

Deuteronomy? How different is that.
Thanks for stopping by Chris. Lord's peace and grace brother.

Craver Vii said...

I like that picture of the earth. It 'favors' Bolivia, the main country of my wife's ancestry.

When God told Moses, "I am who I am; tell them that I AM sent you." I think Moses understood what seems to elude many people today. God is. Not that He is who we imagine Him to be, or that He is because we believe... He is who He is... He just is.

It is not just today's people who have a problem though. God royally spanked all the Egyptian deities, and proved to His people that He is the One true God, they got impatient with Moses' lingering on Sinai, and crafted a golden calf to worship.

I get so frustrated with the history of the people of God, but many of the things they were blatant about, I am guilty of as well, in some less obvious way. Idolater... guilty. Liar... guilty. (etc.)

donsands said...

"God is. Not that He is who we imagine Him to be, or that He is because we believe... He is who He is... He just is."

Thanks for sharing Craver. You have a ton of wisdom in you my brother.
This quote made me think of an old song my first Pentecostal pastor, Pastor L.G. Smith, used to sing at times.


"He's God on the platform, He's God back at the door,
He's God in the amen corner, He's God all over the floor.

(Chorus) I know God is God, and God don't ever change,
I know God is God and He always will be God.

He's God when the lightning flashes, He's God when the thunder roll,
He's God way up in heaven, He's God way down in my soul.

He's God on the ocean, He's God on the Sea,
He's God all over creation, He's God all over me.

He's God in the Father, He's God in the Son,
He's God in the Holy Ghost, He's God all three and one.

He was God at the river of Jordan, He was God when Adam fell,
He's God way up in heaven, He's God that saves from hell."

mommanator said...

nice pics and rambling.
Isaiah 44-6 This is what the Lord, Israel's King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty, says: I am the First and the Last, there is no other God!

donsands said...

Amen sister.