Thursday, February 26, 2009

"There is a way right to a man, But its end the way of death." Proverbs 14:12

"..and if, when tempted with heavy bribes, you have hitherto been able to say, "Get thee behind me, Satan," and to follow close to the heels of Christ, give God all the glory for it, and bless His holy name. In such a case as this, virtue is its own reward. To have been obedient to Christ is one of the highest blessings that God can have bestowed upon any man. There are some of us who have to thank God that when there were pinching times, we did not dare to yield; but when friends and enemies alike pointed out another way, we saw what was our Master's way and followed it by His grace. We shall have to thank Him to all eternity for this." -Charles Haddon Spurgeon

When the times are tight, as they certainly are today, its a good season for the genuine Christian hearts to sow compassion and so shine the gospel light, and bear fruit for our Father's glory. It's also a time where those who seem to be Christians, who may have the outside of the cup clean, but the inner soul will be exposed as the dark soul that it truly is.

Dark times make manifest the brightness of those who genuinely love Christ, and also expose the callousness of those who say they love Christ with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him.

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