Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"You Did Not Have a Home"

"Birds have nests, foxes have dens
But the hope of the whole world rests
On the shoulders of a homeless man-You had the shoulders of a homeless man
You did not have a a home

You had no stones to throw-You came without an axe to grind
Did not tow the party line
No wonder sight came to the blind
You had no stones to throw

You rode an ass's foal --They spread their coats and cut down palms
For You and Your donkey to walk upon
But the world won't find what it thinks it wants
On the back of an ass's foal
So I guess You had to get sold

Cause the world can't stand what it can't own
and it can't own You cause You did not have a home." -Rich Mullins, 'The Jesus Record', 1998

I have been listening to Rich Mullins a little lately: His last CD in particular. It is a double CD. I have been listening to the CD that has his demo tape recorded on it, (which was found in the overturned Jeep where Rich was thrown from and run over by a tractor-trailor and killed). Rich did his recording on a cheap battery operated recorder. It has been such a blessing to hear this humble brother in Christ play his guitar and sing these incredible lyrics in such a simplistic manner. I wish they would play more of his music on the radio.
The CCM music I hear today, for the greater part, can't hold a candle to this brother's music, and especially lyrics. Not that I like every song Rich put out, but I like a lot of them. His words come from "his" heart it seems to me, and show forth his struggles as a sinner saved by grace, and also show his devotion to Christ his Lord.

"On September 10, 1997, Rich Mullins sat down in an old, abandoned church and played nine songs that were to be part of a record he had affectionately termed "Ten Songs About Jesus'. ...Just nine days later, Rich left this world and went to meet Jesus, his Savior and Lord."

"That Where I Am, There You May Be Also"

"I come down from the Father - time for Me to go back up(2x)
One command I leave you- love as I have loved
That where I am there you may also be"


Anonymous said...

I can remember exactly where I was that day....

Rich's music was with such pure and humble motives...

donsands said...

A sad day for the Body of Christ indeed. But a rejoiceful day for Rich, when he saw his Savior and King.