Monday, March 09, 2009

"And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed my voice." Gen. 22:18

Abraham took his son, Issac, to a mountain in Moriah where the Lord had told him to offer him as a burnt offering. Issac's father took wood for the offering and laid it upon Issac's back. They both climbed the hill to do what the Lord had told Abraham.Issac wondered where the lamb was. But there was no lamb, Issac was to be the offering.
Abraham took a knife, fire, and Issac, and was actually going to kill his son, and then burn him on an altar as an offering to God. Can you imagine what must have gone through Abraham's heart?
Just before Issac's father was to kill him with his knife, an angel of the Lord called to Issac's father, and said, "Abraham, Abraham, do not lay your hand upon your son, nor do anything to him: for now I know you fear God, seeing that you were obedient to offer your only son to Me."

At Jesus' baptism God the Father said, "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Right after this, the Holy Spirit took Jesus into the wilderness for forty days of being tempting and fasting. 40 days! What a Savior we have! And what a Father we have to allow His Beloved to be tempted, which must have been excruciatingly difficult, since He had to send angels to strengthen His Son.

Jesus said to Peter in the garden, right after Peter sliced off a man's ear: "Put up your sword,...Do you think I cannot now pray to my Father, and He shall send twelve legions of angels to Me to protect me. But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?"

Jesus said to Pilate: "You could have no power against me at all, unless it were granted to you from above."

It was the Father's will, and desire, for Christ His Son to be offered. Yet there has never been such grief as God's grief for His Beloved, and never shall be.

"..and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. ...for the transgression of My people was He sticken. ...Yet it pleased the LORD to crush Him: He has put Him to grief: when You shall make His soul an offering for sin." Isaiah 53:6-10

The Father bore His Son up to Calvary, or Golgotha. The wood Jesus carried was a Cross, and He was nailed hand and foot to it, and then raised up to be tortured, humiliated, and die.
Jesus Christ was not spared, as Issac was. Jesus was freely offered by His Father. Jesus, the Holy Lamb of God, freely went to the Cross as well, and took away the sins of the world, once and for all time.

What a Father we have, to give His Son for sinners like us. What a Son, who could have cried out to His Father for holy angels to come and destroy those who would harm Him, but did not.

There's not a love that can compare to the love the Father has for Jesus, and Jesus for His Father. And this same love, which is a perfcet holy love, is also in God's heart for us, His elect children, who were once rebels, and children of wrath, and dead in our sins. But Jesus took our sins upon His body, and washed them away with His precious blood. He also imputes His righteousness to us, and so we are clothed in His robe of righteousness.

Take some time every day to ponder this great love of God. Absolutely nothing in the universe can come close to the love of God, nothing can be compared to it, and so nothing should be a greater treasure to us, His children.


mommanator said...

I always marvel at the fear of God that Abvraham had, I dont know if I would be so faithful! but then to think what GOd gave for me a sinner! WOW almost too much for comprehension!

Anonymous said...

The thing that I have appreciated about the account with Abraham is that God already knew that Abraham would have the faith and fear in the Lord to walk in obedience even though in his earthly understanding of God's promise he could not make sense of it all....

God was revealing to Abraham the faith that God already knew Abraham has....a testing that God knew Abraham would not fail - but Abraham possibly did now entirely know.

Faith comes by hearing...yes.

Faith also comes through obedience to step into what God has called us to - because God knows we can, even when we don't think or know we can.

Great word Don. Thanks for sharing.

donsands said...

Good thoughts Chris. Surely Abraham already feared the Lord before this test, and yet waht a test this was.

I love the Lord, and fear Him, but when He calls me, as He has, to a difficult task, then my trust in Him is often shown to be quite weak. Other times I prove to be more trustworthy. But it either case, the Lord is building me up in my faith for His glory, and always by His grace and power.