Friday, March 20, 2009

"Cast out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman shall not inherit with the son of the free woman" Gal. 4:30).

[Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness] Dujardin

"..both legalism and the legalists are to be excluded from the church. ... there must be a seperation for those who destroy the graciousness of the gospel with their religion of works righteousness. The persecutor of the church from within cannot be allowed to continue forever. There must be relief, and though "cast out" doesn't sound very nice, there comes a point where vigorous action must be taken. ...We are "like Issac." We are persecuted by those in bondage to the law and works; and we, like he, must seperate from the legalists so as to protect the gospel.

This is not a happy task that the apostle Paul assigns but a necessary one. Lose the gospel and you lose the church, never mind its fellowship and unity. Though feelings may be hurt, though people of this world may misunderstand, the bond-woman and her son must be cast out. At all costs, the gospel in its purity must be preserved." -Terry L Johnson, Senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia. (From TableTalk, March issue)

The whole text of this teaching is Galatians 4:28-31. Basically Paul is telling the Galatian church that as Issac was mocked by Ishmael,--the child of promise, by the child of flesh--, so we to will be persecuted, though we are born of the Spirit, these are born of the flesh only, and will be legalists, who know not the Spirit of God, but trust in the law and works, and not grace and faith for salvation and living in the kingdom of God.

It's a deep subject for sure. It's a difficult truth to hold tightly in one's soul. But when it begins to shine upon our heart, there's no way not to become humble in the sight of God. For it magnifies His grace. And if not for His grace, then we are those who are the legalists, and we are those who persecute the children of Christ.

Yes we need to deal with those who teach and preach a twisted gospel of works, but never wanting to do so. And always hoping these same legalists will see the good grace of Christ, and turn from their false gospel.


Anonymous said...

Good post Don. Thanks for sharing.

donsands said...

I have always loved the epistle to the Galatians. It was the Scripture that set me free from legalism 20 some years ago.

Thanks for the visit Chris.