Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Is Suffering Worth It?"

"It's not merely that heaven will be wonderful in spite of our anguish; it will be wonderful because of it. Suffering serves us. A faithful response to affliction accrues a weight of glory. A bounteous reward. God has every intention of rewarding your endurance. Why else would He meticulously chronicle every one of your tears? "Record my lament; list my tears on your scroll--are they not on your record?" (Psalm 56:8).

Every tear you've cried--think of it--will be redeemed. God will give indescribable glory for your grief. Not with a general wave of the hand, but in a considered and specific way. Each tear has been listed; each will be recompensed. We know how valuable our tears are in his sight--when Mary anointed Jesus with her valuable perfume, it was her tears with which she washed His feet that moved him most powerfully (Luke 7:44). The worth of our weeping is underscored again in Revelation 21:4 where "He will wipe every tear from their eyes." It won't be the duty of angels or others. It'll be God's.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" (Pslam 30:5).

Our reward will be our joy. The more faithful to God we are in the midst of our pain, the more our reward and joy."...

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18)."-Joni Eareckson Tada, From 'When Heaven Arrives'.

Joni's walk with Christ is one of great sacrifice, and yet she exudes the joy of Christ in all she does. And her focus is, of course, for those with disabilities, and she is reaching thousands upon thousands with the Gospel; and with wheel chairs, and with so many other needs. She is a fine example for us all; the whole Church. I look forward to seeing Joni in heaven, as she jumps for joy before her Lord Jesus; after serving Him so faithfully with a broken neck these past 40 years, and how ever many years the Lord has called her yet to serve Him. Surely she must think as Paul thought: "It is far, far better to go and be with Christ! However, it is necessary I am here for His Body."


Anonymous said...

In the book of Revelation, John talks about seeing the elders and all the others around the throne saying "Worthy worthy worthy..."

When they are saying worthy - what they are literally saying is "worth-it"....You are worth it...HE is worth it.

Every moment of our lives spent for Him is worth it...not becuase of heaven, or even for heaven - but because of, in light of, and for the sake of His Glory.

HE is worth it....HE is worthy.

mommanator said...

I really admire Joni- she does inspire the handicapped. SHe ia a role model for my daughter for sure. My dau, handicapped went with a group of Joni & friends. They went to Equador and painted a house and did other surprising things there. THEY WERE ABLEBODIED! AT THAT POINT!
The Lord will surely shine on them for their efforts

donsands said...

"HE is worth it."

Amen. It's all for His glory. Yet, I find myself so self-centered at times. But by His grace and love I am able to see that if I died and went to heaven and Jesus wasn't there it would be hell. And if I died and went to hell and Jesus was there, it would be heaven.
Jesus is everything!

Mommanator, thanks for sharing that. Lord bless you and your daughter.