Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them [the eleven], 'Peace unto you'." John 20:19

"We should observe , for one thing, the remarkable language with which our Lord greeted the apostles, when He first met them after His resurrection. Twice over he addressed them with the kindly words, "Peace be unto you." We may dismiss as untenable, in all probability, the cold and cautious suggestion, that this was nothing better than an unmeaning phrase of courtesy. He who "spake as never man spake," said nothing without meaning. He spoke, we may be sure, with special reference to the state of mind of the eleven apostles, with special reference to the events of the last few days, and with special reference to their future ministry. "Peace" and not blame,--"peace" and not fault-finding,--"peace" and not rebuke,--was the first word which this little company heard from their Master's lips, after He left the tomb.

...Surely it was in full keeping with all the tenor of our Lord's dealings, that, when He revisited His little company of disciples after His resurrection, His first word should be "Peace." It was a word that would soothe and calm their minds.

Peace, we may safely conclude, was intended by our Lord to be the key-note to the Christian ministry....Peace between God and man through the precious blood of atonement,--peace between man and man through the infusion of grace and charity,--to spread such peace as this was to be the work of the Church." -JC Ryle

This peace is foreign to the world. It's nothing like a humanistic peace, which the world strives for. In fact, the world rejects this peace from the King of the universe, and goes about to create their own peace. And yet this is the message of the Church to the world: The Gospel of peace.

Paul says, "..have for your feet footwear, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace" (Eph. 6:15). And also in Roamns 10:15: "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"

God's great mercy and grace, brings peace to sinners; undeserving sinners. And we need to humbly take this message to others with a grateful heart, and with confidence in the truth of our Lord's promise of peace and rest to all who come to Him (Matt. 11:28).

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