Sunday, March 15, 2009

John Piper and the Prosperity Gospel

Pastor John Piper doesn't mince words here. The Gospel is the good news that Christ died on a cruel Cross for sinners, for the glory of His Father, and the glory of His grace. He died once and for all to take away the sins,-- as far as the East is from the West--, for all those who cry out to Jesus in faith and repentance.

It's all about Christ, it's not about us. We certainly do benefit from Jesus' great love and mercy, but we don't deserve His forgiveness, and we certainly could never earn it by any means.

We should all hate the false gospel of health & wealth as Pastor John Piper does. We should love, with our whole hearts, the truth of the true gospel, and so be sharing it with all people who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Certainly if God wants to bless His children with finances and even health, that is a blessing for His glory. And all good gifts from God our Father are given so that we can use them for the kingdom of peace and truth, for we are children of peace and truth.


Anonymous said...

John Piper...he has an amazing way of speaking the truth...

While, I do know that God takes care of His people...and God blesses His people - it's not out of anything that we can ever muster - but only by His grace and for His glory that He does so.

Good find...and good post Don.

(Why I Love John Piper - Mark Driscoll)

donsands said...

Thanks Chris.

The false gospel of "if you have enough faith, then you can be healthy and wealthy" is surely to be hated, for it dishonors Christ our Lord, and makes faith out to be a magic charm to get stuff for me, in the guise of being for the glory of the Lord.

Jesus says, "You lack one thing. Sell all that you have, and give the proceeds to the poor, and come and follow me."
Most people walk away sad from this true gospel.
Few will find the straight and narrow, but many will find the broad and wide, with many false, and watered down gospels; different Jesus'; and different spirits (2 Corinthians 11: 1-5).

Craver Vii said...

Fake good news = bad news.

donsands said...

Nice. Good to hear from you bro.