Here's a rhetorical question about Joseph, Jacob's son, asked by Pharaoh. God was with Joseph, and the pagan ruler of the world, the Pharaoh of Egypt, acknowledged this truth.
I wonder could the Church of our day have such men and women as Joseph was? Sure. But it is rare. But perhaps not as rare as in Joseph's day.
Joseph seems to have been the only one who was walking with the Lord in a way that telegraphed his God fearing heart and life.
Paul said, "I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings." 1 Cor. 9:22-23
Are we living like this? And be sure to remember, the becoming all things is for the Gospel. And it's a Gospel that the world hates, not one of the many watered down versions that are blowing through the Church and earth as a strong wind helps a wild fire to spread and destroy.
The religious world hates the Gospel because it says Christ is the only One good, and your goodness in all your religion is filth.
And the non-religious world hates the Gospel, because it shines on their darkness, and so they mock Christ's Cross and empty tomb.
There is hope that even the haters of the Gospel will one day bow the knee to Christ, and ask Him to forgive them. I know there's hope, because I hated the Gospel.
Now I love it, and I love to read the Bible, which is the Gospel in its fullness really.
God bless all who come here. Shalom.
Joseph's are around, but we have to certainly look for them! But they are there.
The Word is unbeleivable, we sure can rest in it!
We sure can rest in Christ, and His promises. He doesn't promise and not mean it. It's more sure than sure can be. What a great feeling to know we are forgiven and loved by Christ with an everlasting love!
Lord bless.
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