“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” -Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963)
While yes, it may be apparent - the fall of America as we have known it...
We must remember to what Kingdom we belong....our truth stands on the Promises and Word of the Lord. Our Freedom is in Christ....
Here is an exciting video to watch...
PA Awake!
The event - a day of prayer for the state and the country. In fact, the capital city (Harrisburg) has GIVEN us "City Island" for the event...
This is a state-wide day of worship and prayer on September 26th 2009, at City Island from 12:00-6:00. Everyone is welcome!
Also, check out The Seed of A Nation.
That's exciting Chris.
"O God, give me Scotland or I die!"- John Knox
I think it's great to do what you Pennsylvanian Christians are doing, and may the rest of us get fired-up in our bellies for the Gospel as well.
How about if I put the video on my facebook?
Well, Don...I believe that is what the Lord intended for PA...in that PA was to be an example to the nations (and states) in its government and purpose...
William Penn was a man after the Lord's heart...not that any school textbook would suggest it though....
It's hard to find information on Penn. But the information you do find it choc-full of the Lord's vision and heart for His people.
So through this one man William Penn, the Lord said he would give him a state, and this state would be an example for all other states?
How about the other original 12 states, were they supposed to be examples as well?
I don't know my history really.
I do know the Church is to be a city on a hill, shining bright the Gospel light of Christ and His redemption.
I'm all for any time God's people come together and pray.
I prayed, "God, give me Catonsville, give me my family, give me my neighborhood, or I die."
I long for revival.
I do pray it will happen in PA. So that the Lord is seen and glorified, and many many souls are won for the kingdom.
I'll put the video on my facebook.
Have a good evening.
There's a lot we don't know about PA history. :)
The Constitution of the US was written 'in the image of' the Pennsylvania Charter. The PA Charter was essentially a constitution for the commonwealth of PA written by William Penn. In the PA Charter were two laws stating: 1. That anyone in public service must acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior. 2. Must also acknowledge the Bible as the authoritative and inspired Word of God. These two laws were also included in the pre-revolutionary US Constitution written at the first continental congress in Philadelphia, PA. After the Revolutionary war, however, they were removed (as people gained their independence and began to leave their dependence on God.
Penn - rather than make treaties with native Americans in the area, made covenant with them. (Covenant can not be made void like a treaty). He actually included the tribes in the government of PA (this is all pre-revolutionary war). We are actually, in the Lord's honor, re-establishing those covenants.
Our Governor (although he still makes silly decisions and aligns himself it seems with the wrong people) has had a number of regional pastors come to his private office...by his invitation, to pray for him, in Jesus' name.
There is more scripture and prophetic scriptural imagery through the capital building in Harrisburg than in any other state and even DC.
If you get a chance - read the book "The Seed of A Nation" by my friend Darrel Fields.
(did you say you were on Facebook?)
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